Perch Fishing Best 5 Lures
Posted by Andrew Law (5/3/2021)

In this article I will list out the 5 Top Perch fishing lures and show you the lowest price where you can buy some.
Eagle claw Crappie Jig / Marabou Jig
The marabou Jig is a bright feathery lure that can be worked both slow or fast. It can jigs slow and has a very natural falling movement on retrieve. It is versatile enough to be used year round even through the ice. It is probably the 1st lure I would start with when ice fishing for perch because of its great ability to be jigged vertically.
The feathers used on this bait give it a great fluttering pulsating presentation that can be utilized for keying into the fish in coler temps. Small Pops will allow the feather tail to impart most of the natural action that will draw in the perch. These Marabou Jigs come in many bright colors include white, black, chartreuse.
What is great about these, is these work well on a various of species including crappie, bluegill, & bass as well. These are just all around great micro jigs that are worth always having in your tackle box in case the need arises.
Gulp Alive Minnow
As minnows are the primary diet of perch, the berkley Gulp minnow soft plastics are a perfect bait for catching perch year round. While live minnows can be used in their place, these are easier to have on hand at a moments notice and are just as effective. These remove the problem of having to worry about keeping the minnows alive all day.
These baits are scented with a mix of fish oil and other Berkeley secret scents that will help the perch hone in on the bait once they are placed into the water. Those scents and oils will help the fish locate the bait but also help keep them munching on the bait longer so you can get a better hookset.
These plastic baits can be rigged on a simple jighead if vertical fishing, on a smaller version of a drop shot rig, or on a bait rig that would normally be used for live minnows. These baits are durable and you should be able to catch quite a few perch off of a single plastic. This bait is very commonly on the top of perch fishing lists because of its overall effectiveness at catching perch all over the United States.
The spoon is a classic old school lure that has been around a long time, but is still used today which should speak to its long term effectiveness at catching bass. There are different sizes that are used for various fish. The mini versions of spoons are often used for panfish which include perch. On the retrieve they spin & flutter in the water to mimic a fleeing & darting baitfish. These baits are typically worked faster in order to achieve the erratic motion and so are favored more in the warmer months when fish are typically more active. The action of the spoon can be enhanced by using a loop knot which will result in the spoon "rolling" in addition to its standard action.
Rapala Shad Rap
This smaller style crankbait has no internal ratting beads but otherwise is a typical lipped panfish crankbait. This is a reaction lure. These come in various colors to match local baitfish in your region. Keep that in mind when selecting colors. Perch can also eat yellow perch so a perch color is not a bad choice.
Roostertail / Spinner
This spinner lure is well known in the trout fishing world but it always works very well at catching perch. It is attachs fish with its bright colors and spinning flasher french blade. This lure is heavy duty and is composed of a metal wire shaft. These come in a variety of colors but for perch i would stick to a solid gold or copper as a primary color. This lure is great for flash and large vibrations.
When to fish for perch:
Perch like most fish prefer to feed at dawn and dusk. They are schooling fish so when you find one, you are likely to find many more. While live bait is always an option, the 5 baits recommended on thise page are tried and tested and can be used to catch them over and over while minnows often only last 1 fish.
There are many different types of lures that can catch perch. Be sure to have a wide variety when target this species to give yourself the best odds. Check out some lures from the links provided.
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